Monday, August 17, 2009

Advice For Girls About Boys By Rosa & Zaira

Advice To Girls About Boys

Q:What do I do if I like a boy?

A:First thing if you like a boy never ever tell him that you like him because that could ruin your friendship in between you and him.Second of all get to know him more and see if you really like him.Third & last according to stick with the guys your age! and we mean that!!!!!!!

Q:What if the boy I like asks me out?

A:First we say put him on trial!!!Then see if he really likes you or is just playing with your feelings!!!

Q:What if I went out with a boy but then a boy that I really like asks me out?What do I do?

A:Well we say you should do what you think is right.But if you know it's a boy who is going to play with you in other words going to cheat on you well you shouldn't!!!

Q:What if the boy I'm going out with hangs out with girls and doesn't care about me and looks like his flirting with them?

A:Well in that case you should talk to him and tell him what's going on.Maybe if it's and extreme and he is just telling you,"uhu", well you should tell him that you guy's should stay as friends only.

Q:Okay let's say I'm going out with a guy and in public he acts like were just friends and if they ask him are you going out with her he says no but in private he acts all lovely with me?Should I dump him or keep him?

A:We think you should talk to him about how you feel and ask him why he does that.And maybe also try to ask him if you embarrass him.And you will see by his answers if you should keep him or dump him!!!

Q:I'm going out with a boy and we just broke up because of his stupid friend, how do I get him back?

A:You should probably try to e-mail him.Or maybe try and try to talk to him until he listens to you!!! Or if he still likes you, you should tell him that you guys should stay as friends and then see if you want to go back with him or stay only as friends.

Q:What do I do if the that I was going out with broke up with me & is now going out with another girl and he knows I still have feelings for him?

A:Then he doesn't know what he is loosing and he is blind!!!

1 comment:

  1. you guys do have a point with all the awsners and i agree with them. keep up the good work ladies. can i help to???
