Friday, August 28, 2009

Are Sharks Evil?

by Jimmy A.

In my opinion no, beacause sharks turn wild for blood and are attrackted to vibrations in water. So it isn't a real good idea to swim in the ocean. I'd rather swim in a pool or lake, instead of attracting them near me and getting killed.
People think sharks are evil creatures who kill people, since they got the idea from the movie Jaws. Actually sharks are not smart; they eat anything they see. They bite it because they feel through biting.
Sharks rarely eat people. It is more likely to get stung by a bee then bitten by a shark . People are bitten by sharks once a year around the world.

The top three dangerous sharks are great white, Tiger, and the bull shark.

Although sharks today are endangered by products, or just for game. People make pills,lipstick,fin soup,and also just for their teeth as a neckless.

If people do not stop killing sharks we will lose nature's fiercest preditor. Its not just that its also pollution dirty oil barrles, bags , old boots,oars, and E.T.C. Waste has been found in side a sharks stomach.

We should preserve these creatures. Also we should not judge a shark by its cover.

Lastly never swim away from a shark. Roll in to a ball unless you want to die.

1 comment:

  1. Did you know that aside from the waters of Antarctica, there are no limitations put on shark harvesting? Over a hundred million sharks are killed each year for commercial purposes!
