Halloween! 10/30/09
by:Marsela Barajas
A little bit of History
Halloween is a holiday to scare away the spirits. People say that the spirits and ghost come out and roam the world in October the 30th. Halloween started about 6,000 years ago but,other think that Halloween was not that old. Some think that Halloween is mostly a harvest not to scare. Halloween was started by the Celts. The Celts who know live in Ireland. They celebrated a new year on November 1 which they called the end of summer. The celebration is called Samhain to protect their crops during a cold winter. In this celebration they put on costumes,burned crops, animals and told fortunes.
Around the year 800 Christianity has spread in the Celtic land and a man named Pope Boniface IV named November 1 "All Saint day " It was a honor to celebrate all the people who died because of their beliefs. The celebration was also called "All Hallows eve" or "All-hallow mas". Pupils call that night "All Hallows Eve." which then became Halloween. You may ask why did people start trick or treating. Well trick or treating actually started because, long ago in this celebration the kids needed to go beg for drinks,food and, money. They called this "going-a-souling." Also, why do we dress up? Well back then the dressed up because dressing up in Halloween costumes also has European origins in it. Hundreds of years ago, people believed that ghosts roamed the streets on Halloween night, so they wore masks when they left home to fool ghosts into thinking they were other spirits. So they were like tricking the ghost to not make any harm and to go away.

Now there are a lot of people who celebrate this holiday. They go trick or treating like the old days but, this time for candy and toys. Little kids and even teens and parents dress up but, this time just for fun. During the night they go to Halloween parties and have fun. In those parties they play games like scary stories,printable games, apple bobbling, and the regular games. The refreshments and food the party makers make them all weird and disgusting supposedly blood and noodles brains and fish-sticks fingers. Also they make haunted houses to scare the kids. Or the families decorate and sometimes just stay at home.
Here are some great websites to look for costumes,games,and other fun stuff.
by:Marsela Barajas
A little bit of History
Halloween is a holiday to scare away the spirits. People say that the spirits and ghost come out and roam the world in October the 30th. Halloween started about 6,000 years ago but,other think that Halloween was not that old. Some think that Halloween is mostly a harvest not to scare. Halloween was started by the Celts. The Celts who know live in Ireland. They celebrated a new year on November 1 which they called the end of summer. The celebration is called Samhain to protect their crops during a cold winter. In this celebration they put on costumes,burned crops, animals and told fortunes.
Around the year 800 Christianity has spread in the Celtic land and a man named Pope Boniface IV named November 1 "All Saint day " It was a honor to celebrate all the people who died because of their beliefs. The celebration was also called "All Hallows eve" or "All-hallow mas". Pupils call that night "All Hallows Eve." which then became Halloween. You may ask why did people start trick or treating. Well trick or treating actually started because, long ago in this celebration the kids needed to go beg for drinks,food and, money. They called this "going-a-souling." Also, why do we dress up? Well back then the dressed up because dressing up in Halloween costumes also has European origins in it. Hundreds of years ago, people believed that ghosts roamed the streets on Halloween night, so they wore masks when they left home to fool ghosts into thinking they were other spirits. So they were like tricking the ghost to not make any harm and to go away.

Now there are a lot of people who celebrate this holiday. They go trick or treating like the old days but, this time for candy and toys. Little kids and even teens and parents dress up but, this time just for fun. During the night they go to Halloween parties and have fun. In those parties they play games like scary stories,printable games, apple bobbling, and the regular games. The refreshments and food the party makers make them all weird and disgusting supposedly blood and noodles brains and fish-sticks fingers. Also they make haunted houses to scare the kids. Or the families decorate and sometimes just stay at home.
Here are some great websites to look for costumes,games,and other fun stuff.

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