Monday, October 26, 2009

Odd Animal of The Week

By marco mora

This weeks odd animal can only be found in the defths of the ocean. Coming in in too this weeks odd animal is the angler fish. This fish is this weeks odd animal because it has an odd way of mating. The female angler fish is ten times bigger than the male angler fish. The male angler fish has too bite the female angler fish and morth with it. When the male angler fish attaches too the female it releases an enzyme that digests the skin and mouth of the male angler fish and the body of the female. This causes them too fuse too blood- vessel level. Which then leaves nothing more but a pair of gonads of the male. When the female's hormones response indicating egg release the male gonads release sperm. This means when the female angler fish is ready to have eggs it already has a mate inside of her. When scientists began too study this fish they decided too capture some of the angler fish. Later on they found out that the angler fish they captured were all female and found remains of the male angler fish on the female! That concludes this weeks odd animal. See you next time on this weeks odd animal.

1 comment:

  1. nice article!
    Interestingly, some angler fish are also bioluminescent (that is, they give off or emit light) Certain bacteria go inside the fish and they multiply and glow very bright in the deep sea.
