Tuesday, December 1, 2009

New Moon Reactions by Lucero,Emily,and Alejandra

New Moon came out on 11/20/09.
It got 14,000,000 hits just at midnight.
It made lots of money that it even beat
Harry Potter! Many people were urged to
see New Moon. Some said they still prefer
the book, while other girls were fascinated
to see Jacobs muscular body and Edwards
charming face. The director did a good job
at summarizing the book. There was plenty
of action for vampire lovers and werewolf
lovers! Jacob (Taylor Lautner) had to gain
30 pounds more just to keep his role and
satisfy the fans. Bella (Kristen Stewart) was torn,
depressed and sad because Edward (Robert Pattinson)
left her. To some people Bella got on their nerves because
of how she uses Jacob for her own well being and she doesn't
think about how shes hurting him. The werewolves
were really humongous creatures while the
vampires were really attractive. A lot are looking forward
to seeing the third movie Eclipse on 6/30/10!

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