Friday, December 11, 2009

Vampire Fever

By:Arianna Ch.

Well due to the new release of the next movie in the twilight saga:New Moon, i have seem to notice that a lot of people every where are going through a serious case of vampire fever,and the only way to cool the fever is to read,watch,eat,google,and buy anything that has to do with vampires,and in some cases some people are doing the actual bitting just ask karen. i have a personal expirence to tell, the weekend New Moon came out, there was vampire this,vampire that, top ten hottest vampires,it was all over the TV. there were no decent shows to watch without VAMPS being mentioned. it was like the whole world paused to revolve around vampires.Quite annoying i might say since im 100% with the werewolves. it was extrodinary how vampires came back from the dead. Well not literally but they became popular over night.
BOOK SALES HAVE ROCKED!! The library has even made a speacial sci-Fi section and beleive me its always crowded.Me
myself am a bookworm. My favorite genre is the science fiction and although I ♥ Werewolves i do enjoy vampire books. A Vampire Boyfriend is something a girl will enjoy very much. Everyone just wants a little bloody taste of the excitment. But like all fevers it will eventually go away with a srtong advil. This malicious VAMP Fever will cool down by the next big thing. Who knows the next big thing might be the tellitubies. LOL =]

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