Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Educational aspect of the "Getty Museum"
The Getty museum shows art from the 1800's.That is awesome because you can see how the people back then think about the world.The exhibits teach you that the people back then that did the paintings are trying to show you a story in a different way and they are trying to teach you to look at the world in a different way.To tell a story they don't rip off the story but they thinking that it is something totally different and it shows you something you usually wouldn't see. Look at the picture below what do you see?
Corshon's Finding
Can you figure out what the story is from this painting.!?

Well I seen some pretty interesting pictures to as well and there was 1 that made me think and i also saw some beds from the ancient time and something called tapestry that were weaved together. I also seen a very scary yet interesting picture a lady had her mouth stretched out like she was being tortured. But the 1 above can u guess what's going on there huh!
Nia's Findings
Can you guess the story here?
Image from

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