Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Odd Animal of The Week

By:Marco Mora

Crawling in too this week's odd animal is the horseshoe crab. It's this weeks odd animal because it is believed too be a prehistoric creature from thousands of years ago. This creature will only appear on June when the new Moon emerges and then it will simply disappear. The horseshoe crab is still a mystery too modern science and only shows up for one reason, that reason is too mate. This creature isn't actually a crab it got the name from early sailors that thought the curved shell from this creature looked like a horse's foot and that how this name came too be. This creature is more related to spiders than to crabs. This creature has blue blood, twelve legs, ten eyes, and can see ultraviolet lights invisible too us humans. Scientists yet don't where the horseshoe crab spends most of it's during the year ,so the only time they get too study them in is when they come ashore too mate. The females drag the males behind them ,and are waiting for an opportunity to fertilize there eggs. That's all for this week's odd animal.

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